After my mini-Moulinex (Hamilton Beach) died, I bought in a $10
Toastmaster, which has lasted for at least 5 years so far.
I preferred the Moulinex design because the lower blade is closer to
the bottom, but all of the new mini-choppers I saw at the time had the
same design (including the mini-cuisinart which came with my big one).
I gave away the mini-cuisinart (it was a mini version of the big one)
as a wedding or shower gift, went with the $10 one and haven't looked
back. I see Cusinart has something called a mini-mate chopper that is
very much like the Moulinex design - and the price is pertty good
too... but those blades still don't look like they can handle small
amounts very well.
On Fri, 22 Apr 2005 21:41:35 -0400, Lee Hobeck wrote:
> Does one exist that will chop things like onions, green peppers etc?
> One was given to me years ago but it did not chop the vegetables even
> at all. My fingers are becoming more stiff as years go by making it
> difficult to chop with knife. I thought perhaps they may have
> improved. Lee