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Emery Davis
Posts: n/a
On 23 Apr 2005 09:43:21 -0700,
(Bill) said:
] Emery Davis > wrote in message >...
] > I take your point, but I also notice we haven't heard from M. Spohn here
] > recently.
] I'm still out here drinking wine, but AOL has dropped it's newsgroup
] service which measn that I have to remember to google this group to
] read or post and I don't get around to it as often as I used to.
] I have been posting to the Blog site Michael started.
Ah, ha! In my own defence, I never for a second contemplated the idea
that you had stopped drinking (and tasting...)
I'll echo Tom -- if aol is so lame, why stick with them? Even in the great north,
there must be other options. Anyway, I hope you'll keep sending your notes
to afw, now that things are (hopefully) calming down.
] Off to taste 1987 Opus against 1990 Dominus tonight - any bets on
] which will be more pleasing?
My money's o nthe Dominus.
] I'll try to remember to post notes!
Your public awaits...
Emery Davis
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