Sheldon wrote:
> Joseph Littleshoes wrote:
> > Dog3 wrote:
> >
> > > I am going crazy trying to figure out the name for these 'little
> > > Jewish
> > > rolls'. The SO isabout to make a batch to take for Passover. I
> *think*
> > > they
> > > are called Bookala
> Try "boomkahs".
> > Ever hear of "kichlach" its not exactly the same but similar.
> Tayglach
> > also comes to mind
> Kichelach (egg kichelach) are tiny round egg 'crutons" for floating on
> chicken soup, Manichewitz makes them... there are also larger ones
> (kichel), but both are crispy (cookie/cracker-like).
> Teglach are more a honey confection... often with nuts, and also
> candied fruits
My recipe is much simpler and calls only for eggs, flour, salt and
ginger or nutmeg, almonds or other nuts optional and boiled in a honey
syrup composed of honey, sugar, and ginger. Lifted out of the syrup with
a slotted spoon and allowed to cool, though a variation has the dough
droped bit by bit inot the syrup, cooked about 20 minutes and then all
poured on to a slab or cookie sheet, molded flat and allowed to cool
then sliced to deired size and shape
> Dough:
> 4 eggs
> 3 tbl oil (as needed)
> 1 tbl sugar
> 4 cups flour
> 1 tsp baking powder (it really shouldn't be a FULL teaspoon)
> 1/2 pound filberts (more or less)
> 1/2 pound pecans or walnuts (more or less)
> Syrup:
> 1 1/2 pounds honey
> 4 tbl sugar
> 1/4 cup water
> 1 tsp ground ginger (more if you like the taste)
> Sift sugar, flour and baking powder together. Add eggs, and enough oil
> to make a soft dough. Take pieces and roll into a rope about 1/3 to
> 1/2
> inch thick. Cut into small pieces as long as it is thick. Roll to make
> them little balls. Place on a jelly roll sheet and bake in 375F oven
> about 10 minutes, until lightly brown.
> When dough balls are ready, heat the honey, sugar, water and ginger
> until it comes to a boil. Drop in the nuts and dough balls, cover, let
> simmer about 10 minutes and then uncover. Let it simmer slowly; keep
> stirring until all the honey is absorbed; then turn out onto a wet
> board. Form into a cone, or whatever shape you wish, and let cool.
> ---
> Sheldon