Ian Hoare wrote:
> Salut/Hi D. Gerasimatos,
> le/on Mon, 25 Apr 2005 06:09:39 +0000 (UTC), tu disais/you
> said:-
>> In article >,
>> Ian Hoare > wrote:
>>>> Not "food *IN* the UK" but "British food". Do you see the
>>>> difference?
>>> You're surely not suggesting that all food served in these
>>> 14 chosen
>>> restaurants are from all nationalities except british?
>> I am.
> Then you're wrong.
>> I will also posit that the wine served is also not British.
> Most of the wine served will be from outside the UK,
> certainly. Not
> that that that would be relevant to the intrinsic quality of
> British
> food OR English wine.
>> What are the facts? My cookbook of traditional British
>> recipes lists
>> "Quiche Lorraine" and "Croque Monsieur". I will credit the
>> British
>> for recognizing good food when they see it, though.
> That's a good reason to criticise your cookbook, not the
> cuisine.
> In fact it is extremely hard to say where one cuisine starts
> and
> another ends.
Fascinating discussion Ian! You made me hungry just reading it
tho' I've never had spit-roasted beef. Your mention of apple pie
reminds me that the common New England accompaniment of
Cheddar-type cheese is also quite usual in Yorkshire.
James V. Silverton
Potomac, Maryland, USA