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Victor Sack
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Sheldon > wrote:

> I agree that "bulka" describes a rather large risen round wheat roll,
> soft crusted like a hamburger bun but larger and more dense.

Not in Russian, Ukrainian or Polish. In those languages, "bulka" is
more generic and can be most any kind of white/wheat bread, usually not
large (though in in the old Russian, as well as the current St.
Petersburg usage, *any* white bread is often called "bulka"). It is not
always round and can be oblong or rectangular (even though the origin of
the word is the French "boule", "ball"), and can have any texture.
"Bulochka" is almost by definition small.

> But there
> is another name for the matzo meal passover rolls... been on the tip of
> my tongue all day.

Not in those three languages, anyway. Maybe in Yiddish it's different
(generic bread roll is "bulke", so maybe it's "Peysach bulke"?). In
Russian, for example, the things are called "paskhalnye (or Pesach)
bulki (or bulochki)".
