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Gregory Morrow
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itsjoannotjoann wrote:

> Gregory Morrow wrote:
> >
> > _Laverne And Shirley_ was a lousy 70's sitcom centered around two

> loudmouth
> > Eyetalian female characters. Very unfunny, crass and b - o - r - i -

> n - g.
> > It's aged very badly, along with it's other sitcom ilk _Happy Days_,

> etc...
> >
> > --
> > Best
> > Greg

> You know Greg, I thought those were two of sorriest shows to e-v-e-r
> hit television. I couldn't stand them then and I certainly can't
> stomach them now. There's more, but those two come readily to mind.

There is a new channel here in Chicawgo that shows old shows exclusively.
Here are some more turgid losers from the 70's - 80's that I look at and
think "THIS was once popular!?":

- Joanie Loves Chachi

- Eight Is Enough

- Taxi (at least Tony Danza had a hot bod...)

- Barney Miller

- The Jeffersons

- Sanford and Son

- The Carol Burnett Show (the musical guests can be okay, but the comedy is
SO forced and obvious, "Hey look at US, aren't we FUNNY!?")

- Mork and Mindy

- The Facts of Life (was there ever anyone more OBNOXIOUS than Mindy Cohn?
You really want to SLAAAP her across the face with a tire iron...)

As you said, there's more, but those are some that immediately come to mind
