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On Mon, 25 Apr 2005, p. clouston wrote:

> Friday night my wife and I shared a 750ml. bottle of Unibroue Black
> Currant Ephemere. It's not that often I pick a beer she really likes.
> It poured with a pretty pink/purple hue. Nice fruit flavor without
> being cloyingly sweet. Good wheaty bite behind it. We drank it in
> champagne flutes.
> Today when I went to get my kids from spending the night at Grandpa's,
> I made my must stop at Gomer's. I found they have started carrying
> Bridgeport. The first time I have seen it in the Kansas/Missouri area.
> I grabbed a six of the IPA and drank a couple when I got home. Good
> stuff, I wanted more, but I'll save them for another day!

I read last week that Bridgeport was expanding distribution into KS and
other states in the region...this was confirmed last week by the manager
at Goebels here in Wichita stating Bridgeport was on its way.
We get unibroue down here but I haven't seen any of the ephemere's...(had
traded a few years ago for the apple and a couple of others, was unaware
there was a black currant one). Was that in Gomers Kansas or in the
Missouri side?
(sounds like its about time I made a drive up to Gomers, MO, and maybe a
stop in at Free State while I'm at it)