Another cheap meal
"nu-monet v6.0" > wrote in message >...
> 1 pkg cooked ramen, unflavored, drained
> 1 can, or frozen box of spinach, cooked, drained
> 6-9 eggs
> 1/2# cooked hamburger
> Pepper and salt to taste
> tabasco sauce (optional)
> Scramble it all up. It's basically the
> same as the German dish, "Maltaushen
> (mit Ei(eggs))", which is a meat/spinach
> ravioli scrambled in eggs (or just with
> sauce) popular in southern Germany every
> Wednesday.
> If you want you can pour a small amount
> of spaghetti or alfredo sauce over it.
> I like it straight.
With the price of beef these days, how is adding hamburger cheap?
Things I ate during my college days included:
Peanut butter from a jar and saltines or pb and j sandwiches
Box macaroni and cheese (mac n cheez) which lasted a couple of days
when adding slices of american cheese at reheating.
American cheese and rice.
Scrambled eggs (sometimes I scrambled them with a bit of tomato juice
or jarred spaghetti sauce and spices)
And, of course, the ubiquitous ramen noodle soup.
No I wasn't a vegetarian, just really poor and meat is expensive. I
did have the occasional hotdogs and mac n cheez or maybe tuna and mac
n cheez.
Sheesh, kids today! ;-)