Greetings Ian;.
You reveal the source of your troubles with North American chowder sampling
by the use of one word; CHAIN.
Sweet loving Jeehover man, real, quality chowders are only to be found in
small Mom and Pop joints one has serious misgivings going into. Year before
last Margaret and I spent 11 days touring the Canadian maritimes, revisiting
old haunts and mostly avoiding cities like the plague and ate chowders (fish
and/or clam) every day in search of the best one. Most chowders were at
least very good, a few were scrumptious and one, just one,a fish chowder
served in a little "Family" joint on the outskirts of Annapolis Royal was
absolutely to die for.
Why do my fondest memories always somehow revolve around the food?
So much wine; So little time!
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However, I do stand by what I sald about chowder, which I had in
> a number of restaurant chains until I learnt that it was uniformly awful.
> admit to being a slow learner, but I do so love it, that I kept hoping to
> find one that wasn't over salted, heavily thickened either with cornflour
> with modified starch, and under endowed with cream and clams.