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Karen AKA Kajikit
Posts: n/a

On 26 Apr 2005 19:19:47 -0700, "tbadal" > wrote:

>Hi folks,
>I am a journalist from America, writing an article on what toddlers
>(about 2 years old) around the world eat. For example: in America it's
>commonly chicken nuggets, cereal, hot dogs, etc.
>I would like to know what moms outside of America feed their toddlers
>as snack foods. If you have any interesting and colorful foods,
>anecdotes, funny stories, and traditions with the foods I would like to
>hear them!
>Your comments may be used in an award-winning US parenting magazine
>with over a million subscribers.
>I look forward to your feedback. Thanks for any help you can provide.

If they want healthy, well-adjusted kids who'll eat a wide variety of
food, hopefully they'll give them the same wide variety of fruits,
vegetables and meats as they eat themselves, only in smaller
quantities at a time! Toddlers eat what they're used to eating, and if
you want to feed your kids processed pap then that's what they'll
expect! Yes they love chicken nuggets but that's hardly the basis of a
healthy diet... of course a lot of parents think that stuff's 'food'
too so the kids haven't got a hope.
~Karen aka Kajikit
Crafts, cats, and chocolate - the three essentials of life
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