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(Gal Called Jani) wrote:
>Heh, good one! I watched one of those demos at a food service expo
>once -- it was very interesting, but I'm happy with my Reverware and
>cast iron...
We have the most extensive non-matching collection of cookware in US
history. Some of it is absolutely frightening. Yet my wife still
manages to occasionally find a use for everything at one time or
another. I sink some cash into a decent, functional but not too
expensive pan or stockpot now and then, a decent knife or whatnot now
and then, maybe an occasional gadget that we get rooked into buying
because my wife goes to a friend's party and can't say no <G>. The
best purchase I made in the last few years was a decent Kitchenaid
mixer. While a hand mixer is more useful most of the time
(considering lost time scraping and messing around because the KA
paddles don't touch sides or bottom), the main use it gets is making
bread, and it's a lifesaver now that we're both getting a little stiff
with age. The best cost per benefit purchase I ever made in my life
was a decent plain old carbon-steel wok, many years ago.
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