Dog3 wrote:
> You might not feel the same way about Seinfeld if you saw him in person.
> He was in St. Louis for something years ago. He was touring my old
> neighborhood (The Central West End) and he was dining 2 tables away from
> us. He was a completely obnoxious ******* and incredibly rude to the wait
> staff. He acted like he was God. I never watched another of his show. Oh,
> he stiffed the waitress too. What a prick.
IOW no diff from the way he acts on his show...
> Now Morgan Fairchild was a sweetie. She and her agent were dining at the
> table next to us at Hershel's Deli (now defunct) and we struck up a
> conversation about our pets. She was very nice as was her agent.
Others have said the same thing about her. ISTR too that she's done a lot
for charities (AIDS, etc.).
I wish they'd start showing reruns of _Flamingo Road_ !