This brine with the same salt concentration works well prior to grilling
chicken or any other fowl.
Brine the breast, or leg-thigh for an hour or so before grilling and it
improves everything.
"tranch" > wrote in message

> Just a couple quick questions. Does the brine have to be cooked at all,
> and do the serranos go in whole or chopped?
> Hound's Citrus Brined Chicken
> Prepare the brine:
> 1 gallon water
> 1 cup Kosher salt or 1/2 cup table salt
> juice of 3 oranges
> juice of three limes
> juice of three lemons
> rinds from same
> 1 sliced white onion
> 1 head of garlic, crushed
> stems from a bunch of cilantro, chopped
> serranos to taste, minimum of 4
> rough ground cumin and coriander 2 Tbsp each
> 1/4 cup chili powder or any ground chile you prefer
> (1/4 cup onion powder is optional)
> (1/4cup garlic powder is optional)
> Place the bird(s) and plenty of brine solution in a ziploc bag(s) and
> leave refrigerated overnight prior to cooking. A cooler works fine
> also.
> I use a 5 gal beverage cooler for all but the biggest turkeys.
> Frozen
> soda bottles, or ice can be used to keep the cold. {8 lbs of ice= 1
> gallon of water} An hour before cooking take the bird out and
> thoroughly wash it down with cold water for at least 30 seconds. You
> can place aromatics like garlic heads, apples, citrus in the cavity of
> the bird for the cooking. I like also to place orange slices between
> skin and meat. Smoke rear end of chicken toward the fire for 45
> minutes/lb @ 225°F until the thigh is about 170°F. You can rotate as
> necessary to avoid charring. Cooking this way will result in inedible
> skin, but juicy chicken. If you like the crispy skin then place the
> chicken near the firebox. This works for either chickens or turkeys.
> If you eliminate the brine (salt and water) the rest of the recipe
> makes
> an excellent marinade for grilled chicken.
> --
> You're just jealous because the voices only talk to me.