"Dawn" > wrote in message
> Dimitri wrote:
>> >
>> Soak in boiling water for about 20 minutes. Remove the stem and
> seeds (gloves?)
>> put into a blender with some of the liquid and blend.
>> That's all there is to it.
> Thanks, the boiling water made all the difference. Last time I soaked
> it at room temp and it wouldn't soften.
> Removed the stem and pureed the pepper in some water, ended up with
> about half a cup of slush. Tasted it before adding it, to see how hot
> it was going to be and it had absolutely no flavor. No pepper, no heat,
> nothing. There was a strong smoke smell, but after mixing it with two
> pounds of meat you couldn't tell. What a disappointment.
> Dawn
Bummer - On the other hand I had some home made (Smoked) chipotles (BTW they are
just jalapenos) from a friend in New Mexico that were almost inedible.