Small Request
Or perhaps not so small for some...
I am one of the (likely) few people here who actually has to pay to download
Usenet. In Japan, telephone calls are not free and are charged in three
minute increments. For some reason, Usenet is only available through
relatively slow dial-up ISPs, so I have to pay telephone charges each time I
Here's my problem...a lot of people here don't trim the posts to which they
are replying. The longer the post, the longer it takes to download, and the
more money it costs me. Many of the non-trimmers are regulars with high
volumes of posts. I have not kill-filed them because they are generally
very friendly, and offer great recipes and other information. However, once
they start going OT, to more personal replies (which happens frequently and
also costs me money, but I've participated in those, as well, so I can't
complain), they don't bother trimming (actually, it doesn't just happen with
OT posts, but with any type of post).
My request is...please trim your posts!
Granted, I may be the only person who has this problem and really, why
change for just one person? Well, you don't have to. Do what you want, I'm
just making a request. Whether you honour it or not is your decision.
Thanks to those who do, ciao to those who don't.
rona (who is aware that this post is also costing me money)
***For e-mail, replace .com with .ca Sorry for the inconvenience!***
"[America] is filled with people who decided not to live in Europe. We had
people who really wanted to live in Europe, but didn't have the energy to go
back. We call them Canadians."
---Grover Norquist in Newsweek, November 22, 2004