In article >,
Sheryl Rosen > wrote:
> Had you kept reading you would have noted that the OP clearly stated that
> Windows emulation software was not an option, they prefer not to use it.
> Of course, no self-respecting Mac owner would use Windows emulator software
> unless it were absolutely necessary.
> Think about that concept: Windows Emulation software on a Mac.
> Windows is a direct "emulation" of the Mac Graphical User Interface.
> So if you loaded Windows emulation software on a Mac, you'd be emulating
> something that emulates the Mac OS. Huh? Why bother?
Hah! As a very long-time Mac user, I agree with you; Windows emulation
on a Mac is something most people should avoid. For those few Mac users
who cannot meet all their software needs with the Mac, its usually
cheaper and more effective to go out and buy a bottom of the line
Windows PC. This is especially true for hardcore games players.
That being said, I did find a use for my Windows emulation software
that's really cool! I can download emails that I suspect of harboring a
virus to my Windows emulator, disable the emulator's network access with
a click of a button, and than see what trouble the virus tries to
inflict on the stand-alone Windows environment without risk of spreading
the virus or harming any of my important files (which I would never keep
on Windows).