sf > wrote in message >. ..
> On 12 Jan 2004 15:22:14 GMT, (Nancree)
> wrote:
> > try a sugar shaker.>
> >
> That's going in the right direction. Big openings for those
> large flakes... but the overall area is too big (so you'd
> get too much salt "in a shake"), IMO. Have you tried out
> this theory?
> Practice safe eating - always use condiments
Well, then how about a sugar caster? The dealies with one hole,
covered by a flip top. Doesn't keep out humidity, but would keep out
other contaminants. Not as easy as a pinch, I suppose. Plus, then we
could start a castor salt thread, to go with this old chestnut:
(Note - you may have to do some funky cutting and pasting to get the
entire link into your browser's address line.)
Greg Zywicki