"MikeMcG" > wrote in
> wrote:
>> Can someone explain to me what exactly nitro means. Are
>> they
> injecting
>> nitrogen into the beer?
> basically, yes, the beer is driven to the bar using a mix
> of nitrogen & C02, both are dissolved into the beer,
Nitrogen is used because it does NOT dissolve in beer (at
least not to any significant degree). A mix of CO2 and N2
allows the system to deliver beer at a normal carbonation but
at high pressure. A sparkler head (or "widget") is required
to serve beer in this manner. The high pressure delivered
via showerhead all but completely knocks the CO2 out of the
beer and raises a whacking great head with a fine bead.
> In the 1990s, in the UK at least, nitrokeg ales such as
> Boddingtons, Caffreys & John Smith's cropped up with terms
> such as creamflow, smoothflow, etc, but they were simply
> fairly dull ales served in this manner.
Shit all. And still available today.
>> How is it different from the same beer "on tap"?
Depends on the beer, don' it?
> but the nitrogen helps to form
> a lasting creamy head, and as less C02 is present, the beer
> might not have the "bite" that C02 alone can give & it
> should feel less gassy than if it was just served under C02
> alone (the normal method of dispense for keg beer).
> IMO some beers suit nitro better than others - stout does
> just seem to work,
Irish dry stout - that's about it
AFAIK. I'm sure there is
the odd exception, but there can't be many.
Serving beer on "nitro" (a stupid ****ing term in and of
itself) is a fad that in my opinion is thankfully waning. I
grow more than a bit tired of West Coast IPAs et al served
"on nitro". Some, er, many, er, most beers don't adapt well
to this serving method.
I don't know how it does it, but "nitro" makes everything
from Bass-like to Barleywine to IPA taste same-same to me. I
wouldn't think an inert gas could add flavor (?) or character
but... If it ain't Guinness I no longer order beer on