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Rick & Cyndi
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Default Orange Pie? Never

"Anne Bourget" > wrote in message
: It has recently come to my attention that someone posted that I
: submitted a recipe for orange pie that was met with approval by
: least one person (the poster I presume).
: Let me make it very clear...I have never posted a recipe for
: pie. I have never made nor eaten an orange pie.
: I have, however, posted a recipe for Lemon-Orange Cake. The
recipe was
: one of Patricia Wells' and it is made in a tube pan. Fabulous

Anne, are you sure they meant you, specifically, or did they say
that "Anne" sent them/posted the recipe? I only ask because
there are a couple of Annes here...a couple of Bobs and a couple
of Steves, too.

Regardless, how about reposting that cake recipe, please? I'm in
the mood for citrus these days.

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