On Sun, 1 May 2005 21:33:05 -0500, "EwwHww"
> wrote:
>DLynch wrote:
>> go for diet rite, sweetened with splenda, fruit flavors have no
>> caffiene.
>Thank you very much. Will do. 
Do what you like - but the nonsense written about aspartame
is exactly that - nonsense.
You are severely limiting your food sources as a diabetic.
Similarly, don't get too excited about caffeine unless you
are over-indulging significantly.
You have entered a new game on a new playing field. All bets
are off, you're starting from square one.
Lose your pre-conceptions, start with an open mind. Most of
the things you have been told about fats, carbs, alcohol,
diet, sweeteners, supplements etc over the earlier part of
your life were wrong.
But don't believe me. Do some research of your own, using
Medscape, Highwire, Google Scholar, and your own body.
Also check out subjects like sweeteners, herbals,
supplements etc on Snopes.com, quackwatch.com and similar
Cheers Alan, T2, Australia.
Everything in Moderation - Except Laughter.