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Dan Abel
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Default Your favorites for ground beef...

In article >,
(Helen C.) wrote:

> What do you usually make when you have hamburger on hand? I'd really be
> interested in knowing and would sincerely appreciate your input.

This is one of our favorites, and we've been making it for 30 years:


1 pound hamburger
1 small onion, diced
1 clove garlic, minced
1 small potato, diced
2 teaspoons curry powder
1 cup frozen peas

Start browning the hamburger. Add the onion, garlic, curry and potato.
When the hamburger is browned and the garlic and onion are softened, add a
little water (1/4 cup?). There should be a little water in the bottom to
cook the potato. When the water starts to boil, turn down the heat and
cover. Stir once or twice, checking to see if the potato is cooked (20
minutes, depending upon size of dice). There should be a little "sauce"
but not an excess of water. When potato is cooked, add frozen peas and
turn up heat. Cook just until peas are warm.

I like to make some rice with curry powder, turmeric, peanuts and
raisins. I like pickled vegetables on the side. If you like it spicy,
toss in some Tabasco or dried red peppers.

Dan Abel
Sonoma State University