I love the Diet Rite cola.
Even over Pepsi and Coke.
It is caffiene free and uses Splenda. Tastes great to my taste buds!
EwwHww wrote:
> Siobhan Perricone wrote:
>>On Sun, 1 May 2005 16:08:05 -0500, "EwwHww" >
>>>Just learned that Pepsi One has more caffeine than most other drinks
>>>with caffeine. Caffeine and high blood pressure don't mix too well.
>>>So, I am looking for a good soft drink using Splenda and no
>>>caffeine. Can't use nutra-sweet as it gives me the gitters, and I
>>>don't care for it.
>>All the flavours of Diet Rite soda use splenda and have no caffeine
>>(including their cola). Also, in our supermarket, they have fizzy,
>>flavoured, bottled water that uses splenda. We buy a lot of those. I
>>think Walmart has fizzy flavoured water that also uses splenda.
> Thank you. I have a Walmarts near me. I know about the Canada Dry drinks
> that have just a dab of fruit flavor but no sweetners of any kind. they are
> pretty tasty. But, I do enjoy a cola once in a while, and Diet Rite sounds
> like just what the doctor ordered. 
> ewwhww