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Rich wrote:
> I have a question about the rules for chili cook-off's. I've found

> published rules of the sactioning cook-off organizations, and they

all agree
> that the chili must be prepared "from scratch" on site. They go on to

> clarify this rule, stating that contestants must begin with raw meat,

> that while premixed spice combinations may be used, no commercial

> mix" [just ad meat] is permitted.

That's dumb... there is no difference.

>My question is this...many published
> winning recipes call for beef broth or chicken broth, usually

specifying a
> can size. I'm not a fan of canned broths, and always cook my own beef

> chicken stock at home, and keep a supply of each in the freezer.

Would I be
> permitted to bring a jar of either or both to a chili cookoff, or

would that
> violate the "from scratch" rule?

You'd do best to query the powers that be of the particular contest you
plan to enter; "what constitutes from scratch?" Ask if you need to
raise your own beef. Cooking contests (cooking for prizes) are pretty
dumb regardless, they're totally subjective... I give no credibility
whatsoever to any cooking competitions, they're as indicative of ones
cooking prowess as ability to pick a winning lottery numbers.

Sheldon (knows when he has a winner by the clean plates)