RR wrote:
> Jennifer > wrote:
>> I love the Diet Rite cola.
>> Even over Pepsi and Coke.
>> It is caffiene free and uses Splenda. Tastes great to my taste buds!
>> Jennifer
> Any idea which company bottles (cans) this stuff? Can't say as I've
> ever seen it in stores in my area (Southern Ontario, Canada).
> The only Splenda sweetened soft drinks I can find are Crush Orange and
> Crush Cream Soda by Cadbury Beverages. I'm not big on cream soda so it
> really limits me.
> Ross
> To email, remove the "obvious" from my address.
It is made by R.C. Cola company, the same company that makes RC.

remember back in the 60's when it was popular to have an RC and a Moonpie?