Rouladen (Rolled stuffed beef)
6-8 1/4 inch sliced round steak. Some of the
grocery stores have it in their display cases,
if they don't you can ask the butcher to
make you some.
6 slices of bacon, cooked but not real crisp,
1 medium onion chopped fine.
Dijon mustard or German mustard
salt and pepper to taste
2 pkg. of your favorite gravy mix
3 tablespoons shorting
Lay out the beef. Add salt and pepper. Spread a thin coat of mustard
on the meat, place the bacon and about a table spoon of onions on and
roll it up starting with the small end. Use a tooth pick as a holder,
like sewing. Place about 3 tablespoons of shorting in a medium to
large size heavy pan. When it is hot put in the rouladen and brown on
all sides. Remove them from the pan and add enough flour to soak up
the shorting, cook ant stir for about 5 minutes and then add water to
pot. Add 2 pkg. of gravy mix and stir good, after this cooks about 5
minutes return the rouladen to the gravy and cook for about 45 min.
or until done. Make sure that gravy covers meat. add water if need
Serve with mashed potatoes and red cabbage. All good grocery stores
have it. It is called sweet and sour red cabbage.