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Julia Altshuler
Posts: n/a
Default Looking for recipes

cc wrote:
> Why is it that every time someone asks for a recipe on a cooking
> group, someone sends them to Google?? Has it ever occured to anyone
> that what requesters want is a TRIED recipe? Something that someone
> has used and knows tastes good?
> What good is doing a google search and getting 100s of hits and STILL
> not knowing which one to try?

About the same as asking on a newsgroup, getting a dozen recipes and
STILL not knowing which one to try.

I'm interested in tweaking recipes. Someone will say something to the
effect of "I tried this, but it came out too that; what should I do?"

I like recipes with a personal touch, some note along the lines of "my
family likes this recipe because it satisfies my son's desire for
something vegetarian and my daughter's sweet tooth," or a note about how
a meal can be made easier to clean up after or something about what can
be done ahead of time or how to make a nice presentation or how to
transport it to a potluck. As far as I'm concerned, that's usenet's
forte, not just copying down a bunch of recipes. For that reason, I
like questions that ask "what fits this category that's fast (or
inexpensive or uses up certain extra ingredients).
