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Doug Kanter
Posts: n/a

"Amarantha" > wrote in message
> "Doug Kanter" > wrote in
> :
>> "Amarantha" > wrote in message
>> 2.30...
>>> "Doug Kanter" > wrote in
>>> :
>>>> Books? You used books? Whattya....some kind of crank or something?
>>>> :-)
>>> Hehe. We tend to experiment mostly - or even if we have a book we'll
>>> just use it as an inspiration leading to an experiment. But
>>> sometimes we'll use
>>> the actual recipe, either because it sounds too good to change any
>>> part of it or because we can learn something from it.
>>> K
>>> --
>>> nil illegitimi carborundum

>> (whispering) actually know where to locate books??? Are you
>> sure you haven't been followed?

> Mate, you should see the insane amount of cookbooks we own, not even
> counting the ones from the library. They don't all fit in their cupboard
> anymore. I must admit, we're just totally addicted to foodporn :P

I'll turn you on to something good, then: "In Nonna's Kitchen", by Carol
Field. The author travelled around Italy, meeting grandmothers and begging
for their recipes. Much of it is not the typical Italian fare. Nice book. No
color pictures, so your mind has to be part of the porn-perception process.
:-) The profile of each granny is interesting reading, something you'd
probably enjoy even without the recipes if you found the article in a