Lump Charcoal: A Story and a question
Hi folks.
I just bought my first Weber grill and I love it. I bought last year's
Platinum model because I had to have a table and couldn't afford a new
Performer. Anyway, I set up my first batch of lump charcoal in my
Weber chimney starter and put it on my concrete patio. I went into the
kitchen for a minute and heard "POP!!!! POP-POP-POP!!!! I ran outside
and found that the heat of the lump charcoal busted up the surface of
the concrete!!! It caused the chimney starter to topple over! Luckily
it landed on stone and didn't ignite anything. The concrete patio now
has a circular hole the size of the chimney starter that's about a 1/4
inch deep. Naturally I was in shock. Has anyone else experienced
anything like this? I didn't even have the starter completely full.
My question: With briquettes, I know I have to wait until they turn
ashey white. What about with lump? When can I put the food over them?
Happy grilling.