zxcvbob wrote:
> nina wrote:
> > Andy wrote:
> >>
> >> PEOPLE... what part of "or other immobile object" didn't you
> >> understand? Where would you anchor your supplies?
> >>
> >> Andy
> >
> > The wording makes it seem that you consider a tree to be immobile
> > object also. I was saying a tree isnt immoble. In a hurricane, what
> > is?
> A concrete block building is immobile -- but it can still flood or
> the roof blown off. HTH :-)
> Bob
I live in a house like that. It looks like a white square igloo. Hope
its sturdy.
OTOH, I have seen a few houses here that got abused. Not by the winds
so much as the water and falling coconut trees. First the trees SMASH
the house, then the water WASHES the rubble away.
Why am I scaring myself?? Sheesh.