Damsel in dis Dress wrote:
> pennyaline wrote:
> > Damsel in dis Dress wrote:
> > > I wish he *could* eat. Even the smallest amount of food makes him
> sick.
> > > Even some Ensure-type stuff (Boost) put him head-first in the
> toilet.
> > > Gotta call the doc tomorrow. He hasn't had anything to eat since
> last
> > > Monday. We'd figured that the ortho guy might be able to help,
> > > he's very much the specialist.
> >
> > I've seen a lot of people react to Boost/Ensure/etc. that way. Too
> nutrient
> > dense for some people, especially those who can't eat anything at
> all. Can
> > lead to problems with gastric osmolarity, causing bloating,
> nausea
> > and vomiting and/or diarrhea, dehydration and electrolyte
> imbalance... if we
> > try to correct it with the substance that caused it, things get
> worse.
> >
> > The doctor might be able to put him on something nourishing but not
> as
> > overwhelming.
> We're calling the doctor tomorrow and I'll ask him about this. Ever
> since going on the heavy-duty narcotics, he hasn't had an appetite,
> hasn't been able to keep anything down when he does try to eat. I'll
> report back tomorrow.
> Carol
Ensure and Boost are kind of rich, he may have more luck with a fruit
smoothie, like orange julious, with some Horlicks added. I know for
positive that no matter how sickly/poorly my appetite breast milk works
for me, on tap naturally. And you'd be surprised at how readily
available, I'm serious... have your doc write a scrip and your
insurance will pay.
Great website, one of the best: