_.-In rec.food.cooking, JimLane wrote the following -._
> Faux_Pseudo wrote:
>> I keep all my recpies on palm most of them are short and broken
>> down so they can be read at a glance while looking at a 3x3.5 inch
>> screen while cooking.
>> <url:http://fauxascii.com/food/>
>> It covers 40 or so recipies I have been using (or planed to use) in
>> the last 9 months or so since I got a palm.
> Nice, if your Palm is wireless. Mine isn't.
Mine is but the recpies are in the memo section. They don't take up
much room.
> Why the reverse type? Harder to read.
I spend 95% of my comuter time in a command line. That means white
text on a black background.
<Way off topic here>
Well technically multi-color text on a
transparent background where you can see the wallpaper that changes
every minute. Anyway the site is basic and is meant to feal like you
just steped back to the old days of the web to keep in step with the
ascii art. And as any UNIX geek will tell you: ascii art should be
viewed on a black background.
</Way off topic here>
If you see one you like then just c&p it into your palm desktop in the
memo section. Create a whole recipe sub category in memo and throw
all your favs in there. Makes creating grocery lists much easier.
> I keep a listing of restaurants I want to try in mine. Today, I got to
> try the Big Boy Restaurant in Tijuana, and no, it does not have anything
> in common with what we know on this side of the border as Big Boy's -
> although it may have back some 30+ years, exterior Big Boy and signs
> being the exception.
I have a list of very restaurant within walking distance sorted by
dine in or fast food. Handy for those days when cooking isn't going
to happen (aka every Saturday).
.-')) fauxascii.com ('-. | It's a damn poor mind that
' ..- .:" ) ( ":. -.. ' | can only think of one way to
((,,_;'.;' UIN=66618055 ';. ';_,,)) | spell a word.
((_.YIM=Faux_Pseudo :._)) | - Andrew Jackson