On Mon, 02 May 2005 10:52:13 GMT, Siobhan Perricone
> wrote:
>On Mon, 02 May 2005 14:06:42 +1000, Alan S
> wrote:
>>Similarly, don't get too excited about caffeine unless you
>>are over-indulging significantly.
>Alan, Caffeine is a psychotropic in the same class as cocaine. *Some*
>people react badly to it. I happen to be one who does. It also does
>interact with some drugs and so it is suggested that people stop drinking
>caffeinated drinks while on those meds.
>Since you're not a qualfied doctor, perhaps you should be a little more
>careful about what you tell people to "not get too excited" about.
Hullo Siobhan
We all three know I'm not a doctor.
He said "Caffeine and high blood pressure don't mix too
well" and, later "Pepsi One has more caffeine than Mountain
Dew. I have high blood pressure, so... You know.

Nowhere in there did he mention other problems from
caffeine, nor whether his concerns come from medical advice
or his own belief. Nor has he mentioned the volume of drink
involved. He may be unable to ingest caffeine, but he didn't
put it that way.
For me to say "don't get too excited about caffeine unless
you are over-indulging significantly" is hardly dramatic
medical advice. You have a problem - don't presume that
others have. I made a cautionary comment; repeatedly we
advise people on usenet to check everything said here with
their doctor.
You could have approached this dispassionately with a
contrary opinion - or with a personal attack, as you have.
Have I done something in the past to upset you on a personal
basis? If so, I don't remember it.
Alan, T2, Australia.