Your favorites for ground beef...
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Helen C.
Posts: n/a
Your favorites for ground beef...
(Sheryl=A0Rosen) wrote:
I don't understand something.
Why would you buy 60 pounds of something you don't use often?
No matter how good a buy it is, if you don't use it, there's no savings.
I probably should have explained better. I buy my meat and poultry in
bulk when it is at it's lowest price and then package into smaller
packages if needed. That works pretty good but beef prices where I live
haven't been that good for quite a long while to have any kind of
quantity on hand.
By the time I make a few of my favorites, I'm out. With having an
abundance of it on hand... I'd like to stray away from the usual and try
some other things.
Also, hamburger is a good choice to cook an over abundance of meals on
the weekends for lunch and dinner for the first half of the week since
we work opposite shifts.... holds up longer than poultry for example.
Anyway, I hope all that made sense... now if the same meat market would
just get my steak and shrimp down to 99 cents a pound I'd be ecstatic.
They have wonderful steaks and seafood but you get what you pay for. We
only do that once every couple three weeks or so. More so in the summer
when the electric bill goes down. <g>
Sorry, more info than you probably wanted to know.
Sincerely, Helen
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