"loraine" > wrote in message
> Hi there, had a pina colada today, it consisted of frozen banana
> pieces,
> frozen pineapple pieces, ice and coconut juice. Never seen coconut
> juice in
> shops before so can anyone tell me where i can buy it from,
> pleeeeeaaaassseee.
The other day, as my toddler was running away from me in the
supermarket, I saw some bottled juice drinks on display. One flavor was
pineapple coconut. I didn't get over there to see what exactly was in
it, but my curiosity was piqued...it was in our new, really big Safeway
that carries a lot of gourmet-ish and expensive "natural" products, so
I'm not sure it's something you'd see in a regular supermarket. I will
check it out next time I'm there.