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Default Alternative to Ground Beef?

Rick & Cyndi > wrote
> Ewww... I can't get past the smell of it. Uggh. About a year
> ago, DH suggested that we try to make some Turkey chili with
> ground turkey... ewwwwwwww. Just nasty. Smell, taste... nah.
> Maybe there's some brand out there that really is good but my
> guess is that should we ever venture back into doing something
> with "ground turkey" we're going to have to roast our own and
> *then* grind it up and add it to whatever we're making.
> Nahhhhhh. Too much like work and besides I like my traditionally
> beef meals to *be* made with beef...

Dunno if you can get it over there, but I like ground lamb (suppose you
could always mince it yourself). Works well in burgers, should be used in
Shepherd's pie (as opposed to Cottage pie), and makes the best moussaka
ever. Also good for making Indian dishes like shami kebab, or a kofta (sp?)


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