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Stan Marks
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In article >,

> Stan Marks > wrote:
> >
> > I never had the problem that Brian described on my patio, but lately
> > I've taken to setting the chimney up on a couple of bricks, rather than
> > directly on the concrete. I put three wads of newspaper in the bottom of
> > the chimney and one one the ground/concrete, and I feel that it provides
> > better air flow and faster starting.
> >

> I pulled the 'grate' out of my chimney. I set the chimney on top of a bunch
> of unlit lump in my NB firebox. Three or four sheets of wadded up
> newspaper, fill it with lump and light. When the lump is going good, I
> just lift up the chimney and I'm in minion mode. there's an idea! I have an old charcoal chimney that I could
"remodel" for testing.

On the other hand, I discovered a different approach to *restarting* the
charcoal in my ECB weekend-before-last, when I was cooking a couple of
Boston butts overnight. I let the fire burn down to the last double
handful of coals, which I transferred to an old charcoal pan. (A
charcoal chimney might have worked, as well.) Then, I dumped the ashes
from the working charcoal pan, put more fresh lump into it, and finally
put the remaining live coals on the top of the fresh lump. Worked like a
charm, and I didn't need to fire up another chimney of charcoal and was
able to get back to bed in record time!

Anyone else try this?

Stan Marks