sarah bennett wrote:
> Del Cecchi wrote:
>> "KR3" > wrote in message
>>> I am trying hard to avoid bread and if I must eat bread I want to make
>>> sure I eat bread that is good for me, no enriched flour or bleached
>>> flour. My question is what is considered good healthy bread that has no
>>> enriched or bleached flour?
>>> I called up my local deli and they told me that even their pumpernickel
>>> have enriched flour.
>>> Please help.
>>> Keith
>> I believe that in the US, flour is required by law to be enriched to
>> prevent deficiency diseases. What possible objection could you have
>> to enriching flour?
> the only reason flour would need to be enriched is if it were stripped
> of its original nutrients (i.e. white flour-no bran).
You're assuming that the purpose of enrichment is merely to replace that
which has been removed in processing. Not the case.
Same issue with enriched milk (vitamins A and D) and salt (iodine) and
other foods that are enriched to deal with health issues that are on
longer issues because of the additives.
> whole grain flours
> do not need to be enriched because they have not been messed with.
The act of commercially milling grains subjects them to fairly high
heat. That cooking process dramatically alters the nutritive profile,
whole grain or not. Enrichment is a more broad nutritional package.
> If
> you want bread made with whole grain flour, and no enriched bleached
> stuff, look for the first ingredient to be "100% whole wheat flour". You
> may be able to find bread products made with other whole grains as well.
Flours are aged or bleached. The bleaching process merely cuts time off
the aging time. The flour ends up being essentially the same whichever
process if followed. It can go to market faster and therefore be cheaper
because it doesn't have to sit in warehouses getting older.
Fresh-milled grains don't taste as good as aged ones and they don't work
the same way in cooking or baking, either.