Thread: Coconut Juice
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Dave Smith
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Sheldon wrote:

> No one in the Caribean would waste rum like that... and even is some
> imbecile tourist tried it they would be so drunk after one coconut full
> they wouldn't be able to walk (they would need about a cup of rum to
> top off each coconut), not to mention ruining their entire vacation
> desparate to find toilets, coconut water is a great laxative... no one
> there drinks it except for medicinal purposes, typically it's
> discarded, a few natives use it to make wine but tshat wine is
> tasteless... the best is made from cashew fruit. You either made that
> up too or if they're your friends they're smarmy liars also. And no
> one drills holes in coconuts in the Caribbean, it's very difficult to
> make small holes with a machette. I've been going to the Caribbean
> regularly for most of my life, I own three gorgeous waterfront homes
> there, two in Belize City, one in Corozal. Make up some more
> fercocktah stories why doncha, Pinnochio Dave.

Coco Loco
1 large fresh coconut*
1 1/2 ounces light tequila
1 ounce light rum
1 ounce dark Jamaican rum
1/2 ounce Kahlúa
3 1/2 ounces coconut water
3 1/2 ounces pineapple juice
6 ounces crushed ice
151-proof rum
1 pineapple slice, for garnish
1 maraschino cherry, for garnish
2 lime wedges, for garnish

With an ice pick, poke out two eyes of the coconut shell and drain out the
coconut water (yes, this is correct - it is not coconut milk). Cut off the
top of the coconut as you would cut off the top of a pumpkin for carving.

In a blender put tequila, light rum, dark rum, Kahlúa, fruit juices and
crushed ice. Blend until frothy and pour into the coconut shell. Pour a
small float of 151-proof rum over the top of the drink. Skewer the pieces
of fruit and stick the end of the skewer into the coconut. Serve with
straws. Serves 2 persons.

* If you prefer, you can serve this in a large compote-type glass which has
been chilled before serving.