Thread: Coconut Juice
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"Sheldon" > wrote in message
> Dave Smith wrote:
> > Bob wrote:
> >
> > > Sheldon wrote:
> > >
> > > > There's no such thing as "coconut juice", unless you mean

> 'coconut water',
> > > > the liquid found inside fresh coconuts, but that is not used for

> mixed
> > > > drinks.
> > >
> > > I agree that coconut CREAM is probably what the OP wanted, but

> coconut water
> > > certainly *is* used for mixed drinks. I recently had a drink which
> > > consisted of coconut water, vanilla schnapps, and mango-flavored

> rum. Sounds
> > > like once again you deny the existence of something simply because

> you have
> > > never encountered it.

> >
> > Never mind the Nancyboy. He seems to think that anything he has not

> personally
> > experience, or more likely been unable to find on a web search does

> not exist.
> > While I have never vacationed in the Caribbean myself, I know several

> people who
> > went there back in the early 70s and came back raving about the

> coconut drinks
> > they had down there. Holes were drilled into fresh coconuts and they

> were
> > injected with rum and sipped through a straw.

> No one in the Caribean would waste rum like that... and even is some
> imbecile tourist tried it they would be so drunk after one coconut full
> they wouldn't be able to walk (they would need about a cup of rum to
> top off each coconut), not to mention ruining their entire vacation
> desparate to find toilets, coconut water is a great laxative... no one
> there drinks it except for medicinal purposes, typically it's
> discarded, a few natives use it to make wine but tshat wine is
> tasteless... the best is made from cashew fruit. You either made that
> up too or if they're your friends they're smarmy liars also. And no
> one drills holes in coconuts in the Caribbean, it's very difficult to
> make small holes with a machette. I've been going to the Caribbean
> regularly for most of my life, I own three gorgeous waterfront homes
> there, two in Belize City, one in Corozal. Make up some more
> fercocktah stories why doncha, Pinnochio Dave.
> Sheldon

Sheldon, you're almost 100% correct with regard to the use of coconut water
and the shells themselves. Where you err is that I personally have had
drinks served in a drilled coconut shells several times over the years,
mostly on cruises (Crystal and RC) but also in St. Thomas (the bars near the
tanzanite shops can be pretty enjoyable even if the shops themselves
aren't). I can't tell you that the shells are fresh or not. The drinks are
pre-made (no coconut water, just some rum, coconut milk and flavoring
something) and then pumped, literally into the shells through a tube and
served with straws.. I recall they were like a coconut rum slurpy. More
often, they usually just cut the top off with an electric saw and pour away.
Electricity for drills (and other utilities) got there more than an few
years ago as it did to your goygious, Caribbean front properties. Rand