"Dave Smith" > wrote in message
Sheldon wrote:
No one in the Caribean would waste rum like that... and even is some
imbecile tourist tried it they would be so drunk after one coconut full
they wouldn't be able to walk (they would need about a cup of rum to
top off each coconut), not to mention ruining their entire vacation
desparate to find toilets, coconut water is a great laxative... no one
there drinks it except for medicinal purposes, typically it's
discarded, a few natives use it to make wine but tshat wine is
tasteless... the best is made from cashew fruit. You either made that
up too or if they're your friends they're smarmy liars also. And no
one drills holes in coconuts in the Caribbean, it's very difficult to
make small holes with a machette. I've been going to the Caribbean
regularly for most of my life, I own three gorgeous waterfront homes
there, two in Belize City, one in Corozal. Make up some more
fercocktah stories why doncha, Pinnochio Dave.
Once again the 'shel' gets it wrong.
In order to add rum (or anything else) to a fresh coconut one would first
have to remove some of the water as the nut is absolutely full!
Anybody native to the Carribean or the tropical world can *easily* pop as
small a hole as desired in a coconut with a machete.
I have seen eight-year-olds do it effortlessly.
Poor little 'shel' has obviously never seen a fresh coconut and I doubt
seriously he has ever been to the Caribbean.
Coconut water is NOT a laxative!
The immature flesh of a water coconut does (apparantly) have this property
if consumed in excess.
Coconut water is claimed to have numerous health benefits and is available
from street vendors and in the markets. People drink it frequently.
The ones 'shel' is basing his limited expertise on must be those sorry,
shrivelled and dried up things available in your average North American
Get real Sheldon - or go sit under a coconut palm.