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Karen AKA Kajikit
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On Fri, 6 May 2005 14:29:15 +0100, "Shaun aRe"
> wrote:

>"Karen AKA Kajikit" > wrote in message
.. .
>> After seeking your advice I made the baked drumsticks last night. They
>> were very very VERY good. The drumsticks were a little old so I rinsed
>> them well under the tap and poured some applecider vinegar over them
>> to make them smell better (a trick my mother taught me). Then I layed
>> them in a baking dish and poured over about a quarter of the jar of
>> bbq sauce, plus a mixture of honey, soysauce, balsamic vinegar and hot
>> sauce with water to thin it all out. Lastly I added a chopped onion
>> and three sliced garlic cloves. I baked it at 300F for about four
>> hours,

>4 HOURS?!?!? For chicken drumsticks?!? Sure they were pterodactyl drumsticks
>or summink?

I had to wait for my husband to come home - he always works late and
you never know what time he'll walk in the door... I meant to have
them cooked at 5 and turn the oven off, but I forgot about them...
they didn't really suffer for it. I like my meat falling apart tender,
and they were SOAKED in flavour!
~Karen aka Kajikit
Crafts, cats, and chocolate - the three essentials of life
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