Thread: Coconut Juice
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Sandi wrote:

> They sell it as a soft drink here commercially canned - coconut water
> with bits of conut flesh in it. If I'm at the Thursday or Sunday market
> I can buy it from the kids who walk around with a cooler selling
> bolsitas filled with ice cold coconut water and a chunk of coconut.
> The alternate is the "coconut lady" - one of the fruit vendors - who
> will whack one open with a machete so that just a small opening large
> enough for a straw is made - and drink it right from the fruit. Fresh
> coconut water is also available from any number of street vendors with
> cart full of the fruit and a handy machete.

Waaaaaiiit a minute: How do you reconcile what you wrote above with what
Sheldon wrote earlier? He said:

> coconut water is a great laxative... no one there drinks it except for
> medicinal purposes, typically it's discarded, a few natives use it to make
> wine but tshat wine is tasteless...

Are you trying to tell us that Sheldon was talking out his ass?
