I had to go out and buy dinner for tonight because the brilliant workers at
my apartment complex, who were digging post holes to replace the fencing out
front yesterday, did something to mess up the water. It doesn't smell like
seweage but when I ran a bath earlier today, the water was muddy and brown.
Yes, I ran another full tub since then. Still ucky brown water. I've
placed the appropriate phone calls to management and to the water company.
Meanwhile, I had planned to prepare salisbury steaks tonight with gravy,
mashed potatoes and steamed broccoli. No way am I using this water to cook
gravy, steam veggies or bathe in until I hear it's okay. I have bottled
water for my cat and my bird (and the cat has a filtered water fountain).
If I have to find a motel down the road for a shower before my doctor's
appointment on Monday, I'll pony up the money and find one that accepts pets
and off we'll go. I'll treat it like a mini-vacation, but I'll bet they
won't be used to someone checking in with a bird *and* a cat
Now, also OT: Happy Mother's Day to all who fit that description

Also a
minor rant: As one who is not a mom and never will be, I find it a tad
annoying to be wished a "Happy Mother's Day" by people in the hospitality
industry (read: servers, cashiers, etc.) who have no idea whether or not I
have children. Actually, that doesn't bother me so much as it may bother
those who are desperately hoping to have children but have for years found
they haven't been able to and have undergone extensive fertility treatments.
Nor to who are on long waiting lists to adopt.
It seems to me this practice of wishing women who appear to be above a
certain age a "Happy Mother's Day" isn't necessarily good customer service.
It could actually be hurtful to some people.
I used to have a handle on life...but it broke off.