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Dave Smith
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JeanineAlyse wrote:

> Yes, it's Rachel Ray that uses a "garbage" bowl, which does work quite
> well for those of us preferring that just a dry-only trash container be
> located inconvenient to the mixing counter, and/or that any wet trash
> be deposited only into a garage bin or one that's located outdoors.
> However, I do agree with the extra bowl washing to be a nuisance, so I
> simply toss everything for trashing into one of my otherwise empty
> sinks for tossing after mixing is done.

That works for me, but it drives my wife nuts when I do it. We have a
stainless bucket with a lid for compost, so any vegetable garbage goes into
that. Paper, foil, plastic, meat bits, bone etc. go into the sink and get
cleaned out later. Not hours later, but after I have finished doing what I
was doing when that garbage appeared and when I have time to deal with it.