Bob Pastorio wrote:
> JimLane wrote:
>> Bob Pastorio wrote:
>>> JimLane wrote:
>>>> Charles Gifford wrote:
>>>>> "JimLane" > wrote in message
>>>>> ...
>>>>> <snip>
>>>>>> In case it went over your head, I was originally talking to
>>>>>> Gifford when P. dove in, not the other way around.
>>>>>> jim
>>>>> Your attributions were poorly done Jim, but I certainly knew that
>>>>> you first addressed your remarks to me. I did not answer your post
>>>>> because it did not seem to require any comment from me. Bob
>>>>> responded very well to your post.
>>>>> Even if I felt your remarks merited comment, there was no need to
>>>>> as Bob covered them well.
>>>>> Charlie
>>>> Does not change the fact that I did not start the problem with P.,
>>>> he did.
>>> Hey shitwit JimLane. Here's the URL for the thread where you've been
>>> so grievously put upon. <>
>>> Read for content and tone, particularly your posts. I wrote what I
>>> did in reply to a rather shallow, clearly erroneous, combative note
>>> of yours. It seems to be more important to you to "win" something
>>> than to actually engage in discourse.
>>> You argue like a child by introducing irrelevancies and slippery
>>> qualifications with little regard for anything approaching truth or
>>> balance. After the "I didn't start it" ploy becomes too transparent,
>>> I expect your version of "I'm rubber; you're glue" to make its way here.
>>> Quit whining.
>>> Pastorio
>> Still waiting for that verifiable, peer-reviewed research that
>> supports your claim that small amounts of additional salt from salted
>> butter are undetectable in taste by people.
> Res ipsa loquitur.
> Pastorio
Hmmm, your Latin seems better than (insult deleted here, P., feeling
courteous this day) Let's step back and I'll try a few different words
to put this into perspective.
The origin of you and I butting heads was about whether or not the use
of salted vs. unsalted butter would be detectable.
Why I got into this, was that there seemed to be an immediate rush (that
other fella's) that it would make no difference at all and the issue was
bogus. When you jumped in, you said, no way, José, without any
questioning of why people would say what they had been saying.
In my area, for someone to just jump in with a pronouncement like that
without exploring why would be considered very, VERY, unprofessional.
Note, that once I indicated to you that I was a bit salt-sensitive and
used far less salt than called for in recipes, you have backed off.
I am partially to blame for not saying that earlier.
It is a fact that there are a wide range of tasting capabilities, from
people to whom everything tastes like a big mac patty to supertasters.
For some of us, the difference in a dish prepared with unsalted butter
plus salt and that same dish with salted butter are two very different
dishes and the salt levels immediately apparent.
This is why I asked for any peer reviewed research that backed up the
position that the difference in a recipe using salted versus unsalted
butter was a non-issue and didn't make any difference in taste.
Now, I don't believe in using Latin (even if I could) to jape at
someone. I use very clear English.
Do you have something to say which bears on the question?