"jmcquown" > wrote:
>I had to go out and buy dinner for tonight because the brilliant workers at
>my apartment complex, who were digging post holes to replace the fencing out
>front yesterday, did something to mess up the water. It doesn't smell like
>seweage but when I ran a bath earlier today, the water was muddy and brown.
>Yes, I ran another full tub since then. Still ucky brown water. I've
>placed the appropriate phone calls to management and to the water company.
Sorry to hear that, Jill - like you need more problems right now.
>water for my cat and my bird (and the cat has a filtered water fountain).
Nice to see someone treats animals the same way I do - only in my
case, it's dogs. Not that I have anything against cats - I've
"cat-sitted" for a friend numerous times, and enjoyed it. I think
pets deserve "respect" not just a bowl of food and water. Two of my
dogs are outside, one inside. And I go out of my way, no matter how
sick I am to show them a proper amount of attention and respect.
They're wonderful friends.
>If I have to find a motel down the road for a shower before my doctor's
>appointment on Monday, I'll pony up the money and find one that accepts pets
>and off we'll go. I'll treat it like a mini-vacation, but I'll bet they
>won't be used to someone checking in with a bird *and* a cat 
>Now, also OT: Happy Mother's Day to all who fit that description
Also a
>minor rant: As one who is not a mom and never will be, I find it a tad
>annoying to be wished a "Happy Mother's Day" by people in the hospitality
>industry (read: servers, cashiers, etc.) who have no idea whether or not I
>have children. Actually, that doesn't bother me so much as it may bother
>those who are desperately hoping to have children but have for years found
>they haven't been able to and have undergone extensive fertility treatments.
>Nor to who are on long waiting lists to adopt.
Don't take it so hard, Jill. I know it bothers you, but they're only
trying to be polite, or only doing what their boss "ordered" them to
do. In fact, you might take it as a compliment - maybe they see the
"mother instinct" in you - I'm certain members of your family and
maybe some friends have probably benefitted greatly from it - you
never know.
>It seems to me this practice of wishing women who appear to be above a
>certain age a "Happy Mother's Day" isn't necessarily good customer service.
>It could actually be hurtful to some people.
>I used to have a handle on life...but it broke off.
I've had people ask me if I want the senior discount - my hair is full
and brown, and I've been told I look 30. Of course, conversely, I've
been carded - I always thank them profusely.
All the best Jill.
The Doc says my brain waves closely match those of a crazed ferret.