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"Jo Anne Slaven" > wrote in message
. ..
>>Is she the one who uses a "garbage bowl" on the counter? And does
>>anyone ever use that technique -- dirtying up an extra dish when
>>is a perfectly good garbage pail sitting right on the floor?
> Actually, I have a "garbage bowl." It's a big plastic bowl that sits
> next to the cutting board, and I put all the veggie trimmings and
> other compostable stuff in it. When full, this goes out to the
> secondary compost container - the pail in the laundry room. The pail
> is emptied once or twice a week into the compost heap in the back
> yard.
> This system saves me from having to make a long trip to the compost
> heap every time I peel an onion.
> Jo Anne
I keep a colander in the sink for everything compostable. I use red
wrigglers and keep the bin by my back door. Since we are moving soon,
and our outdoors compost bins are empty now it allows us to still
compost without the need to use them. And I can keep it inside.
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