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Melba's Jammin' wrote:
> In article >, "jmcquown"
> > wrote:
>> It seems to me this practice of wishing women who appear to be above
>> a certain age a "Happy Mother's Day" isn't necessarily good customer
>> service. It could actually be hurtful to some people.
>> Jill

> I understand that but since it shows up on every American calendar
> I've ever seen, and since restaurant patronage is wa-a-a-ay up that
> day, just cut 'em some slack for trying to make sure they don't miss
> anyone. Besides, you had a mom. :-0)
> -Barb, celebrating by attending a special exhibit at the MIA - see my
> webpage. I so 'cited!

True, and I still have a mom. I'm fortunate. I also worked in a restaurant
20+ years ago that handed out carnations to the patrons when we served
Mother's Day Brunch. Red if you were a Mom, white if you'd lost your mom.
Red and white if both. It made the ones to be congratulated and/or consoled
easier to spot. No carnation, no mention of Mother's Day. Makes sense to
