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Monsur Fromage du Pollet
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Nancy Young wrote on 08 May 2005 in

> "Sheryl Rosen" > wrote
> > Let's face it, Mother's day gets hyped up by the marketers who
> > benefit from
> > it: Greeting Card manufacturers, florists, restaurants, retail
> > stores, etc.

> I hear ya, Sheryl. I can't be bothered with the Hallmark
> holidays, from Valentines to Secretaries day. Hey, I hardly ever
> even observe my own birthday. Maybe it's just me, but I don't
> like anything that makes me feel obligated to run to the store to
> get a card and mail it in time for the day.
> Think of your mother whenever, give her a call, whatever, on any
> given day. No need for a one special day that apparently upsets
> some people.
> nancy

This year I took the Secretaries out...The Bosses were too cheap too. I
didn't have too but I do appreciate all the things they do around the
office. Anyways it was more fun without the bosses.

No Bread Crumbs were hurt in the making of this Meal.
Type 2 Diabetic Since Aug 2004
1AC- 7.2, 7.3, 5.5, 5.6 mmol
Weight from 265 down to 219 lbs. and dropping.
Continuing to be Manitoban