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Wayne Boatwright
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On Sun 08 May 2005 02:28:44p, Damsel wrote in

> A little birdie told me that (AlleyGator)
> said:
>>I've had people ask me if I want the senior discount - my hair is full
>>and brown, and I've been told I look 30. Of course, conversely, I've
>>been carded - I always thank them profusely.

> Heh! Last year, at the county fair, I was given the Senior discount at
> a diner. This year, I'm growing my natural salt and pepper out, and
> they'll probably feed me free of charge.
> Carol

LOL! They might even pay you to not ride the rides! <VBG>

We have a higher than usual percentage of 55+ folks in many parts of
Arizona, including the area where I live. The age limit for senior
discounts in many of the restaurants here is 60, not 55. Invariably, I
have to show my driver's license if I really want the discount.

Wayne Boatwright *¿*

Give me a smart idiot over a stupid genius any day.
Sam Goldwyn, 1882-1974